Fanfare for the 16th Empire
Fanfare for the 16th Empire - Randall Standridge
Fanfare for the 16th Empire
Educational goals of the work:
-Rhythmic stability and vocabulary in regards to performing 16th notes
-Articulation differences between: Tenuto, Accents, Staccatos, slurs
-Noticeable dynamic shaping.
Rehearsal suggestions
-The tempo of this work is critical to its character. When planning your preparation, make sure to allow time for proper technical development to achieve the written tempos, lest the work come off as “boring.”
-The percussion should be on the slightly louder side of the balance spectrum. Please do not “hide” them. However, they should not cover the ensemble.
-Please use the COPYABLE rhythm sheet included to help develop your ensemble’s sense of rhythm in regard to 16th notes. It covers almost all of the rhythms found in the work.
-Be sure to checkout the supplemental videos on my YouTube Channel (links on my website)
For those of you that are unaware, I was a band director for twelve years. During my time in that occupation, I created many works that had specific educational goals, but would also fit into our concert repertoire as, what I hoped, would be engaging pieces for both the players and the audience. I always struggled to find music that introduced new concepts in achievable, yet meaningful, ways.
Fanfare for the 16th Empire is a concert fanfare for young ensembles that serves many purposes. It is primarily intended as a tool to develop young players’ abilities to correctly time, articulate, and perform sixteenth notes. Secondly, it is intended to be an exciting work that makes the students run to rehearsal, slinging their bookbags across the room in their hurry to get their instruments out and get seated, ready to play. Lastly, it was a chance for me to satisfy both the educator and composer sides of my personality, as the work is a fanfare for an imaginary “lost” empire, full of kings, warriors, vast armies, and adventurous terrain.
I hope you and your performers enjoy exploring sixteenth notes together, and I hope it makes your day a little brighter.
Peace, Love, and Music
Physical: $60.00
SPECIAL SALE! – Buy One work and receive a 50% Discount on a digital download of it’s flex/standard counterpart!) Only good through Randall Standridge Music directly…if you have already purchased one of the versions, send us a receipt of the first purchase and still receive the 50% discount on the corresponding Flex/Standard download.
Digital Copy (PDF and Site License) – $60 .00
Printed Copy (Price coming soon) – $60.00
Available for online purchase and from Major Music Distributors, such as JW Pepper, Stantons, Penders, Music and Arts, Popplers, and others
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