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We who are about to march salute you! This riveting new production from Jason Nitsch conjures images of warriors in an arena, fighting as the crowd roars around them. Brass Fanfares, melodic woodwinds, and bombastic percussion punctuate this exciting, cinematic show, with two optional endings. Will the Gladiator live? It is for you to decide.

This is a Grand Mesa Marching Band Product.  All GMMB products include the following features:

•Regional Protection (some limits apply)

•Licensing and Copyright Permissions,

•Solos Transcribed for All Instruments,

•Parts for 3, 4, and 5 BD, MP3s

Full show is $1,000.00 Each individual movement is $350.00

To purchase, please email us at

To purchase a Marching Band show, please Check Availability below and complete the form. We will review the availability for this show in your area. This may take 24-48 hours to confirm and continue with instructions to complete your purchase.

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